
年齢問わず、子供から大人までピアノを弾くことは楽しい!面白い!そんな経験をしてみませんか?ロンドンで学んだ私のピアノ音楽を、皆さん一人一人の個性を見つけ活かしながら、楽しく元気にレッスンをすすめていきます。一緒に素敵な音楽をつくっていきましょう!詳しくは Contact へお気軽にお問い合わせください。お待ちしてます!








The piano is fun for all ages! From children to adults, anyone can enjoy playing the piano! Why not experience the joy of playing the piano for yourself?

I teach piano in a fun and lively way using the methods I have learnt in London and Japan while finding and catering my lessons to each student’s individuality. Let’s make wonderful music together!

For further information, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!

〈Who would these lessons be good for?〉

Those who have an electric keyboard, piano at home, or somewhere they can play a piano.

〈Types of Lessons and Services Offered〉

Private Lessons, Theory, Online Lessons(★), Advisory Lessons, Concerts, Accompaniment Recording, Collaborative/Accompaniment Commission, Study Abroad Consultation etc.

(★) For those interested in online lessons, they can be taught in either Japanese or English. Lessons will be conducted from London, UK or Shizuoka, Japan.

Each lesson is personalized according to the level of the student, from beginner to professional, and taught in my own style while also incorporating ABRSM and Japanese methodologies.